It's amazing how quickly one get used to warm weather when one can't escape it. Driving down I-65, watching the thermometer rise the farther south you drive. It's fun. And then you arrive and you are completely shot from spending 22+ hours in a vehicle. All you do now is sleep, eat, swim, read, and sit in the sun. I love vacation. It's a chance to get away from the everyday and just relax and not think. Every night there's a sunset and every night the sunset is even more stunning then the one before. And you think to yourself, 'Self, that is an amazing sample of God's creativity.Go
crazy.' And so you stand looking at the sunset for the few minutes until it completely disappears beneath the watery horizon. Then you make your way back up to your room and have say, strawberry shortcake for dessert? Oh how delicious. You have a tickle fest with your cousins and say goodbye. Then you run to the bathroom to take a shower, because not only do you feel gross, but condos have amazing showers. They stay hot and have good water pressure. If you can't enjoy the shower of the condo, there's something wrong (or you just have a very nice shower at home).You proceed to go to bed, but don't fall asleep right away because your sister is making you laugh. Oh the joys of vacation, when you don't need to worry about going to bed at a decent hour because there is no school or work calling your name at 6 A.M. It's a wonderful feeling. Then you wake up (whenever YOU want). You can go run, swim, whatever you please, because it's vacation. It's a time to relax, a time to sit and enjoy the life God has given you.
p.s. this was supposed to be posted during Spring Break i.e. first week of April....
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